Gluten is a protein found in cereals such as wheat, kamut, spelt, rye, barley and in most oats. If you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you can't stand this protein.
Gluten is common in many foods that we eat every day such as bread, crackers, toasts, rusk, gingerbread, vegetarian meat substitutes, pizza, pasta, wraps, couscous, vegetarian meat substitutes, snacks, cake, cake and cake.It can also be 'hidden' in products you don't expect as licorice, sauces, sweets, flavored chips and beer. Also, foods can be 'contaminated' with wheat during production. For example, oats almost always contain wheat, so the oats, a gluten-free grain, still contain gluten.
Nice gluten-free
If you don't eat gluten you also want good food, we are happy to help you come up with good alternatives. So make an appointment and see what we can do for you.
Good Gluten Free Dietitian
We can help you with the adjustments in your diet so that you can get everything you need even in case of a celiac disease.Because celiac disease is common in the case of celiac disease, expert advice is required.As a dietitian I specialize in the gluten-free diet through the Dutch Celiac Society. (NCV).
- hidden gluten!?
- Deficits?
- delicious of course without gluten!
Appointment and information
Make an appointment for a personal, completely tailored to your situation, complaints and wishes. If you have short questions, make an appointment for a speed date. If you want to know more, please contact us.