The Health Council has released a new Good Nutrition Directive 2015. We are very pleased with the attention to legumes, the advice to start using nuts as already recommended in the Nutrition Pyramid (of the Ortho dietist) since 2010. Below we show the similarities and differences with the new Good Nutrition Directive 2015.

RGV: Eat more plant-based and less animal foods every day

FOOD PYRAMID: Excellent advice, more plant-based nutrition, means more potassium and more fiber. Beneficial for the prevention of the above mentioned diseases, but certainly important for a good intestinal effect.
The Food Pyramid also assumes this fact. In the Nutrition Pyramid weekly menus you will find many recipes in which vegetable protein sources are chosen.

RGV: Eat at least 200 grams of vegetables and at least 200 grams of fruit daily.

FOOD PYRAMID: The Nutrition Pyramid recommends that you use all your nutrients and to prevent heart disease and cancer. How to do this easily can be found in the weekly menus in the book Nutrition Pyramid. The Food Pyramid advice is to use 300- 500 grams of vegetables and 200-400 grams of fruit.

RGV: Limit the consumption of red meat and in particular processed meat.

FOOD PYRAMID: Red and processed meat increase the risk of colon cancer. Red meat means meat from cow, sheep and pig. The Dietary Pyramid recommends using lean red meat once a week. Processed meats, such as meats, are not recommended, according to the Food Pyramid.

RGV: Take a few portions of dairy per day, including milk or yogurt.

FOOD PYRAMID: Dairy such as yogurt and buttermilk is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals such as calcium. The Food Pyramid advice is to use 1-2 servings of (sour) dairy daily, of which 40 grams of cheese. If you can't or don't want to use dairy, replace it with other foods rich in the above-mentioned nutrients. For example, tahini (sesame paste) provides quite a bit of calcium, 1 sandwich with tahini provides half the amount of calcium compared to 1 cheese sandwich!

RGV: Eat at least 15 grams of unsalted nuts per day.

FOOD PYRAMID: Nuts are champions in delivering good fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The Food Pyramid recommends a hand, nuts, seeds and/or pips per day (25 grams).

RGV: Up to 7 eggs per week

DIETARY PYRAMID: Fine advice, that every day an egg raises cholesterol is an outdated myth. Eggs are packed with vitamins, iron and provide healthy proteins. They are a source of zeaxantine, which is important for healthy eyes. Cholesterol is a building agent for our hormones

RGV: Eat legumes weekly and replace refined cereal products with whole grain products. Eat at least 90 grams of brown bread, wholemeal bread or other whole grain products every day.

FOOD PYRAMID: Legumes (beans, lentils and peas) have disappeared from the table in many households. It's nice that the Health Council is giving them a place again. In the Food Pyramid they already had a place: Eat legumes twice a week, delicious as a vegetable protein source such as in a lentil soup or a vegetarian chili, in a meal salad, or in the form of humus as a topping. The Food Pyramid recommends varying in unprocessed whole grains such as corn rice, oats, buckwheat, whole wheat, rye or spelt and quinoa.

RGV: Replace butter, hard margarine and baking and roasting fats with soft margarines, liquid baking and roasting fat and vegetable oils.

The FOOD PYRAMID: disagrees with this advice. We are made of natural products and substances that have been part of the human diet for more than 100 years. There is no known research by the makers of the Dietary Pyramid that shows that factory-produced fats (hard margarine, baking and roasting fats, soft margarines, liquid baking and roasting fat) are healthier than natural fats and oils. That is why we recommend using butter (in moderation) and additional vegetable oil (such as olive oil).

RGV: Eat fish once a week, preferably oily fish.

DIETARY PYRAMID: Oily fish (rich in omega-3 fatty acids) lowers susceptibility to inflammation in the body. Also, omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the development of the brain and eyes during pregnancy. For a good supply, the Food Pyramid advises everyone to choose oily fish at least once a week. For a good supply of iodine it is important to eat fish more often, the Nutrition Pyramid therefore recommends eating fish at least twice a week. For those who prefer not to eat fish, fish oil, algae oil or flaxseed oil can be a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Seaweed (for example, in a soup or salad) is a source of iodine. Iodine is important for a good thyroid function, in children this iodine deficiency can result in reduced growth and learning delay.

RGV: Drink three cups of black or green tea daily (without sugar).

FOOD PYRAMID: The tea advises the Health Council because it lowers the risk of stroke. The Food Pyramid recommends drinking water and alternating tea (including herbal teas).

RGV: Replace unfiltered with filtered coffee.

DIETARY PYRAMID: This is more beneficial for cholesterol levels, so take this into account when it is cholesterol.' The Dietary Pyramid advice is: do not use more than 400 mg of caffeine daily (this includes coffee and tea, 1 cup of coffee delivers about 80 mg of caffeine and 1 cup of tea about 40). Too much caffeine increases blood pressure.

RGV: Drink as few sugary drinks as possible.

FOOD PYRAMID: We already knew that sugary drinks increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. All fruit and soft drinks can damage the teeth and can contribute to osteoporosis due to loss of minerals.

RGV: Do not drink alcohol or at least more than one glass a day.

FOOD PYRAMID: Alcohol does not contribute to health. There is a clear relationship between different types of cancer and the use of alcohol. For breast cancer in women, 1 glass of alcohol per day is already a risk factor. The Food Pyramid follows the alcohol advice of the health board; prefer not to drink alcohol and if you do drink alcohol, limit it to one glass a day.

RGV: Limit the intake of table salt to a maximum of 6 grams per day.

FOOD PYRAMID: For healthy blood pressure, low sodium intake is important. Sodium is a component of salt that, together with potassium, regulates blood pressure. Potassium is found in fruit and vegetables. Most of the salt we eat is added to our diet by the manufacturer. If you eat according to the advice of the Food Pyramid you eat less processed foods, so less salt and more fruits and vegetables.

RGV: The use of dietary supplements is not necessary, except for people belonging to a specific group subject to supplementation advice.

FOOD PYRAMID: Pregnant women, people with dark skin tones, seniors, children, for each of them exists according to the RGV a guideline for taking one or more supplements. But as far as we are concerned, the Health Council is overlooked. In more cases, a dietary supplement is useful. For athletes, vegetarians, vegans, for people who have a limited choice of food such as food hypersensitivity, if you lose weight, when you lose weight, medication, stress, disease, breastfeeding, smoking or alcohol consumption may be required.

Would you like to read more about the background of this blog or advice about your diet or supplementation (in case of disease and health) of the Ortho Dietist?
Guidelines Good Nutrition 2015
Food pyramid S
croll across the pyramid for more information.

Nut & Safety vitamins and minerals.
Food pyramid book, Mirjam Bakker and Louise Witteman, 2015